"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood... And sorry I could not travel both. I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference." --Robert Frost

Monday, January 29, 2024

Red Rock Canyon - Nevada

Summerlin, Nevada
Red Rock Canyon NCA

After leaving Quartzsite we drove 4 hours north into Nevada to visit Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area.  We had been here to hike a couple of years ago but we're staying in the park this time and doing more of the hikes we missed last time.  This is our site #45.  There are no utilities so come with water and empty tanks.  Almost no cell signal either.
We paid our $2 (Senior Pass Price) entry fee to do the one-way scenic drive.  The colors of these rocks just pop out of the surrounding desert!

We stopped at each pull-out to view the areas.

Some trees roots grow as deep as150 ft.

Lost Creek Trail took you back to a pretty waterfall.  It would probably be dry in the summer, but was running nicely while we were here in January.

Pretty to listen to the Waterfall at Lost Creek

There was another the Petroglyph Wall Trail that had a boardwalk and you could see some petroglyphs at the end.

Our final day Steve and I hiked back to First Creek Canyon.

Once you got to the canyon, First Creek ran along side of the trail for a bit among the trees and colorful boulders.  It was nice to sit for a while and listen to the songbirds chirping.

Hiking back and looking towards the beginning of the trail.
I heard a strange sound, then heard a man scream.  As I turned around, I just spotted him jumping from high up on the cliff!  Then his chute opened and we realized he was cliff jumping with a paraglide type of set up.  He was also wearing one of those squirrel looking suits so he was free falling/flying before the chute opened.  Crazy to see when you're not expecting it.  He sure came down fast!
How amazing that he landed in the only wide spot of the trail!  The area is surrounded by boulders, rocks and cactus!  He didn't know we were there.  We talked to him for a bit as we were curious how he got up there since there is no road and the trail ends at the canyon.  He said he bushwacks then free climbs up the mountain.  With that thing packed on his back!! Crazy stuff! What a great way to end our hike. If we had another day we'd have loved to hike Box Canyon.  Never enough time but we did enjoy our 4 days here.


  1. Beautiful park. Will have to put this on our to do list.
    Safe travels!


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