Pye Palace
The next two weeks we are looking forward to sitting in one place, moochdocking at our friends place. We lived in Brockport for 7 years while the kids were little and Steve worked for Kodak.
We did a stop over at Green Lakes State Park. We used to love coming here. Once we were here we wished we stayed longer. They have a great walking trail around the turquoise lakes.
Site #62 with electric and central water. Very tight spot and hard to back into with a narrow road and trees/obstacles on each side and across the road.
What is unique about this area is that Both Round and Green Lakes are meromictic lakes, which means that there is no fall and spring mixing of surface and bottom waters. These types of lakes have a high potential for evidence of ancient plant and animal life and give them their gorgeous color.
You can walk around the lakes, golf on the 18 hole golf course, play Frisbee golf, swim or kayak.
The next day we got all settled into our spot in Brockport for 2 weeks. Our friends graciously set us up with water and electric on a pad next to their barn.
Doing a little beer and wine tasting at the nearby 5 Sons Winery with Rich and Paige.
Later that night they made us Garbage Plates. That's a regional specialty here in the Rochester, NY area. They started out at Nick Tahou's place. Click on the link to find out what they are!
Main St., Brockport, New York
We love the small, quaint town of Brockport. Love to walk down Main St and along the canal path.
The Erie Canal runs through Brockport with a nice tow path along one side for biking and walking.
The other side of the 348 mile long canal has tie-ups for boats so you can get out and shop or dine in the cute towns that run along the canal. We had hoped to kayak again this trip but the weather didn't cooperate.
Nice walking/biking path.
One night after dinner we took a walk down the canal for some geocaching. We also found some painted rocks. This seems pretty popular now as we've been finding them at campgrounds and even on remote hiking trails. People just leave them around and you can keep them or move them to another location. Usually there is something on the back that tells you. Some have facebook pages so you can take a picture and leave where you found it and/or where you are leaving it. Examples:

Me, Paige, Steve & Rich out on the tow-path.
Another night we were going out to dinner with some of our old next door neighbors which allows us to take a peak at our old house we custom built. Looks pretty much the same. Some trees have been removed and the others are very large now. Happy not to have to shovel that long drive anymore!
Before we headed out to dinner Marge made us these great drinks and appetizer plate. I forget what they are called but they were delicious!
Saluti buoni amici!
Marge and Dave
Me and Steve. Yes, we do on occasion get dressed up. But not often!
Great Prime Rib
Some of us had lobster, Filet Mignon, and a great Langostino Mashed Potatoes.
For dessert we always split a Bananas Foster. You get a show and a meal for four!
I spent some time with my good friend Teresa too. We met canal side for a nice early dinner at Fisouli's. I don't usually like to eat Italian out, but they made a great Pasta Fagioli. Some times we call it pasta fazool. It's sort of a bean soup with lots of garlic, sometimes chicken is added and lots of parm and greens. Good with a salad.
The weather was great so we ate out back on the patio along the canal.
Again, all of our kids grew up together. We spent a lot of time at Scouts and on camping trips.
Some geocaching took us to the Soldiers Memorial Tower. We drove past it for years but never hiked out to it. It is shorter now that the top was removed due to wear over the years.
Built in1894.
There are many corn and bean fields out here.
Dinner out with more friends!
Yvonne, Jeff, CJ, Cassie, Me & Steve
While Rich and Steve worked on replacing some lights in the barn one day, Paige and I took the pooches for a walk. Here is one of Rich's restorations, a Pontiac Chief.
Let's GO!
What a crack up riding to the park with 3 large Labradoodles and Hurley in a small car!
Don't worry, I'll drive.
It started out well, then...
Paige trying to get everyone untangled, including herself.
This is what happens when you come back and see what the "boys" are doing!
Rich, bring Matthew back down here now!
He did get a good picture though!
Aw, Momma and Matthew, safe and sound.
He was in a stroller last time we all camped at Mt Rushmore. Now he's a senior in high school.
A little Labor Day picnic fun!
Stay tuned for the Labor Day Pig Roast at the Farm!
Thanks Pye Family for all the fun!!