"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood... And sorry I could not travel both. I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference." --Robert Frost

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

YELLOW at Alamo Lake, Arizona

Alamo, Arizona
Alamo Lake State Park
There was a week before Steve's final eye check to see if we could finally head back home to prepare for our Alaska Trip.  We joined my brother and sister-in-law back at Alamo Lake.
The Alamo Dam is 283 feet deep and the dam is 970 feet long.

We were here before and really enjoyed this time of year.  It's warm and the Brittlebush was in full bloom, carpeting the entire area in yellow!
Our site in the E Loop.  No utilities but closer to the lake and much more private.
My brother's site across from us.

Since poor Steve can't fish, hike or even ride in the kayak, my brother and I went fishing while he took walks around the camp loops.
There's lots of brush in the water which makes great fishing.
We caught several Large Mouth Bass.

The Cranes and wild donkeys were everywhere.

Loud Fellow!
Love those yellow feet!
Beautiful sunsets to enjoy after Diane got finished working and dinner was over.

The area around here is full of off-road trails.  We had a blast riding around and trying to get to the other side of the river.

We could get through the smaller areas, but not across the river itself.  We didn't want to get stuck like these guys.

Stuck in the mud with a broken axle.

We stopped in at a little cafe/bar in the middle of nowhere out here for a drink.
A nice drive up to the top of a hill with a great view.
Love the view!

Some mines are scattered around.

We came across a memorial for someone.

There are tons of boondocking areas around this part of the lake.  Many you can park right next to it.  It can be tricky getting a bigger rig out here but some do.  It's a very long way down some sketchy dirt roads that can get narrow in parts.
Sea of yellow!


The donkeys were all around and we saw many of them.
Plenty of cattle free-ranging.
A large bull too!

We had a lot of time to explore and visit with Steve and Diane.  Many great meals too.  
It's time to say good-bye to them until next year when we hope to meet up on the East Coast.  For now, they head to Utah and we will visit with Curt and Glenda, Ron & Rene and once more with Bunny.


  1. What fun! From the ATV'ing to the fishing and of course the sightseeing. You got some nice bass there, I bet they were fun to catch.

    Looking forward to your next adventures as you head north!

  2. Great pics of the area! We’ve only been there on a day trip. I think we’ll have to return and stay awhile sometime in the future. Safe travels!

  3. bet the night sky is nice out there. And the quitness.


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