"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood... And sorry I could not travel both. I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference." --Robert Frost

Friday, April 7, 2023

You Were the Coolest Dog - RIP Hurley

Placerville, CA 

Hurley was a such a special dog to us.  He grew up on the ranch and lived with us these past 9 years on the road as Fulltimers.  He loved the life of adventure as much as we have and would've turned 15 in June.
He always enjoyed running on the beach.

Playing with sticks branches, logs, firewood and fenceposts were his favorite!
The bigger, the better!

He wasn't the best swimmer but loved the water.
He had his own chair.
He always wanted to be in the kayak with us.

Hurley went on so many adventures.
Gondola rides in Colorado.

So many hikes in every state but Alaska.  He was my hiking buddy!!
South Carolina
He loved being with his RV Friends.  Good times with Max in Colorado,
Puppy Jack in Utah who ran circles around Old Man Hurley,
and playing with Rufus in Arizona.
He had lots of friends, most who have also passed like Daisy, Dominic, Hobey, Moose & Ruger.  What fun they must be having in Doggy Heaven!
He loved his Daddy, Ryan, who rescued him from a horrible Pitbull fighting ring as a pup.
Great Grampa would always sneak him treats.
He was great with kids too.
He loved his toys.
Even though he'd shred them in 5 minutes.
At least the Kong would last for a few campfires before it too was destroyed.
He was always a good boy when it came to hat time.
Merry Christmas.
Happy New Year!
He loved his comfy bed and blanket at night.

Such a very sweet and gentle boy.

Mostly he just loved to be wherever we were.  The three of us traveled all over the USA together.

I miss him so very much!
Rest In Peace Hurley


  1. I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a beloved pet. Hurley had the best life ever after being rescued. I am so very sorry for your loss.

  2. This post brought me to tears...you can see the love just pop off the page...sending love and hugs.

  3. Hurl’s! Such a good boy and a Lovebug. He is surely missed❤️

  4. So so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is. You definitely gave him the best life.

    1. Thanks Kelly. I know losing your kitty was hard.

  5. We know all too well the pain, heartbreak and hole that a loss like this leaves. Hurley lived his best life with you two, traveling across the country, seeing so many sights and playing with sticks in dozens of states. The pain does not go away, but it will eventually change from tears to a warm smile as you remember his antics, the memories and unconditional love he gave you over the years.

  6. Hurly had quite the adventurous life with you two. Our condolences.

  7. Hurley was a good boy, I remember how much he loved Grace in Montana! He will be missed.

  8. I loved this!!! What a wonderful tribute to such a good boy.

    1. Thank you Trace. He sure appreciated your toys ;-)

  9. Great tribute to a great pup!! I'll always remember him with a log in his mouth or tucked in the kayak with you two.

  10. Beautiful tribute to an extraordinary boy. Sweet Hurley.

  11. Our hearts go out to you--our beloved pets are such a part of the family. So many wonderful memories and photos!
    The pics brought tears to my eyes yet a smile to my lips. He lived a long, happy, well traveled life.

  12. I’ll never forget Hurley bringing us that log in Junction. Having three golden retrievers over the years, I loved how he took retrieving to a whole new level. That photo of him and your dad is priceless. 💕

  13. Sorry to hear about Hurley I liked him. But not sure it was mutual

    1. Thank you. Hurley loved most dogs and people. :-)

  14. HUGS guys! Hurley was an awesome dog 🥰


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