Placerville, California
A little re-cap of December. We're just enjoying the last of the year with friends and family. It was a pretty quiet month. We loved our extended stay here in California but looking forward to hitting the road again and warmer temps!
Hurley says, Merry Christmas!
We enjoyed several hikes. Steve is up to 4 miles now and feeling very well after last month. Thank you to everyone for the get well wishes and all the help you gave us!Good times with Doug and Deanna. Lots of Mexican food was consumed this visit!
And libations!
The Sierra got pounded with 20 feet of snow with the recent storms that rolled through. Placerville got quite a bit too. We even had a dusting down at our elevation.
More fun with friends!
More hiking with Tina and Hurley.
Steve enjoyed the 49er game with Brennan and Shane (Ryan couldn't make it)
Our Christmas Eve was super fun and special as we went all Italian with John and Tina. We combined several dishes we both made and some great Italian Red wines.Shrimp Linguini
For dessert I browned some Panettone in butter and topped it with Whipped Mascarpone mixed with some Amaretto we have from Italy from my Uncle/Godfather.
And a little Aperitivo to finish it off. Salute!
John brought over It's a Wonderful Life, his Christmas Eve tradition, and we watched it colorized. Good times!Hurley had a ball opening his Christmas present. As usual, it was toast in 5 minutes.
The aftermath!
We had Christmas at Brennan and Alex's new house. Lindsay, Alex & Mom.
Brennan, Alex, Ryan, Shane & Lindsay.
Diana and Jaxon were sick and couldn't make it. Ryan stopped over for a bit. Kaylee always works Christmas. We sure missed them.

Steve, Shane, Ryan, Dad and Brennan
Happy Birthday Ryan!
Brennan made his famous Saran Wrap Ball and we all had fun playing.
Even my parents had a good time with it.
Ryan, Jaxon and Diana
I hope everyone had a wonderful December and a Merry Christmas.
Happy New Year!!